Property Agency Listing System

A property agency listing system is a software platform that helps real estate agencies manage and showcase property listings. It streamlines tasks, improves efficiency, and facilitates customer interactions, making it easier for agents to handle their listings and buyers to find suitable properties.

Why Property Agency Listing System?

The property agency listing system is more efficient and secure than Excel for managing property listings. It offers a purpose-built interface, centralized database, real-time updates, and enhanced data security.

Who uses our system:

Century Properties Elite Group Halycon Development Metrohouse Viks Properties A-Plus Properties

Property Agency Listing System Features



  • Serves as the central hub for property managers to get an overview of their listing activities, property view overtime, number of agent, ongoing property listing, customer listing.
  • Real-time updates.
  • Quick access to important modules and notifications.
  • Make informed choices based on real-time data and analytics.
  • Optimize your property agency's operations with a comprehensive overview of listings and activities.
Manage Listings & Create New List

Manage Listings & Create New List

  • Create and manage property listings, achieve list, customer list.
  • Add new properties with details such as property type, location, features, rental rates, and availability.
  • Keep a historical record of properties that were previously listed but are no longer available in the market.
  • Avoid redundancy.
  • Define different types of properties based on various categories or classifications.
  • Provides easy access to view property listings, achievements, and customer data.
Free-Design Field

Free-Design Field

  • Offers flexibility to customize data fields.
  • To specific requirements, optimizing data management.
  • Create new field with essential details such as labels, field types and required/not-required.
  • More unit field options.
  • Customize which fields appear in property listings.
Add Agents/Downliners

Add Agents/Downliners

  • Add agents or downliners to the agent list.
  • Allows property managers to add and manage agent profiles within the system.
  • Assigning them to specific properties or tasks.
  • Manage agents' information and roles.
  • Granting appropriate access and permissions.
  • Limit the access of admin.
Loan Calculator

Loan Calculator

  • Helps users estimate the monthly payment amount for a loan.
  • Easily estimate the monthly mortgage or loan payment for a property.
  • Keep a comprehensive database of all your things.
  • To make informed financial decisions and plan their budget effectively.
Upload Company Logo

Brand Customization and Identity

  • Customize your agency's branding by uploading and displaying your company logo within the system.
  • Easily update organization reference and title for a streamlined and professional agency representation.
  • Add a watermark image to protect and brand your property listings.
Detailed Search & Sort

Detailed Search & Sort

  • Easily conduct detailed searches for properties, customers, contact requests, and agents.
  • Utilize various search filters to refine results based on specific requirements.
  • Find the information you need quickly and efficiently, improving decision-making.
Real-Time Track & Monitor

Real-Time Track & Monitor

  • To track and monitor various activities in real-time.
  • Provides a log of all significant activities and changes made within the property agency listing system.
  • Offering transparency and accountability.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a property agency listing system?

A property agency listing system is a software platform designed to help real estate agencies manage and showcase property listings efficiently.

What are the key features of a property agency listing system?

Key features include property details management, customer data recording, real-time tracking, advanced search, agent performance monitoring, and secure data storage.

Does the system support mobile access?

Yes, the system is accessible on electronic devices like mobile phones, tablets, and computers, enabling agents to manage listings from anywhere.

Is data security ensured in the system?

Yes, the system employs robust security measures to protect sensitive customer data and business information, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Can the system handle multiple property types?

Yes, the system can manage various property types, including residential, commercial, land, rentals, and new development projects.

Is the system customizable?

Yes, the system can be customized to align with the specific branding and workflow requirements of each real estate agency.

How does the system benefit real estate agencies?

The system streamlines property management, improves customer experience, enhances agent productivity, and ensures data security, leading to increased efficiency and better client service.

Can the system generate reports automatically?

Yes, the system can generate reports automatically, saving time and effort for agents in preparing property reports for clients.

Is training provided for using the system?

Yes, property agency listing system offer training and customer support to help real estate agencies and agents effectively utilize the platform.

Does the system provide real-time tracking and monitoring?

Yes, the system provides real-time updates, allowing agencies to track and monitor their entire workflow, from property inquiries to agent activities.